Live Fire

Nets Ardzakets’ek’!

Hello friends, hopefully you have noticed the new household for AtB. I hope it’s of your likings. There’s still some furnishing to be done and paintings to be hanged, however, it’s fit for visitors as it is right now.

I would have never thought we would ever have a website until other things were arranged, but a nice set of coincidences got us this. Thanks to the support of my dear friend Vartan (Host of the Europa Barbarorum Online multiplayer platform and patron of my own EB submod site as well), we have a website now, so all credit goes to his generous heart.

Right then, so it wouldn’t really be an announcement without more than one thing to announce, now would it? So, here’s a special treat just for you. You can guess what it is on the TWC thread.


The forums have been moved as well, from the old to, so be sure to check them out if you haven’t yet. There’s plenty of links around in the site, and hopefully more will keep propping up as we go.

That’s about it from me, at least for now. Hope to see you around.

~Jirisys ()



